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Ritual Milestones


Embracing Life's Joys & Sorrows

Within our sacred community, we find solace, celebration, and healing during both moments of joy and sorrow. Together, we support one another, drawing strength from our shared journey. 

We joyfully welcome new arrivals with the sacred ceremonies of Brit Milah and Brit Bat, honoring the covenant of our faith. B'rit Mitzvahs mark a child's affirmation of their Jewish heritage as they transition into adulthood, and we equally embrace adults seeking to fulfill this cherished rite of passage. Weddings and conversions are pivotal moments in one's life journey, and we are honored to provide guidance and support along your chosen path.

According to our values, our community stands as a sanctuary, fostering unity and inspiring hope.

For more information, please contact us at 516-239-1140 or email



Mazel Tov! Welcoming a child into your world, whether by birth or adoption, is one of life's greatest joys, and Temple Israel is ready to help you celebrate your family life in a most meaningful Jewish way.

With hope that this heartfelt token of our appreciation and making connections lasting for years, our sacred community offers gift blankets for the babies to embrace the families warmly and share in the joy and pride.

The b'rit milah and baby naming ceremonies may occur at home or at Temple, scheduled at a mutually convenient time for your family and clergy.  A popular choice is for the ceremony to be held in our magnificent sanctuary, followed by a festive meal.  Any questions about Kiddush room availability and catering can be directed to our office at 516-239-1140. 

We look forward to being a part of this special celebration with you!

B Mitzvah


In keeping with the philosophy of Reform Judaism, the requirements and the actual service for both the Bar and Bat Mitzvah child is the same for both young men and women. These rights of passage take place at age 13. The Bar/Bat Mitzvah chants a meaningful number of passages from the Torah and the Haftarah, conducts a significant part of the service in addition to presenting a speech about the Torah portion relating it to their life and the World in which we live. Numerous honors are given to the parents to distribute to their family and friends. Each family is given their own Shabbat service. The training is individualized, meeting the needs of the child, and is conducted by our Cantor. Arrangements can be made for Saturday afternoon Twilight Services in consultation with the Rabbi and in keeping with the high standards we require of our candidates.

Aufruf & Weddings


The wedding ceremony is a joyous occasion that symbolizes and celebrates the union of tw o individuals in the sacred bond of marriage. If you wish to have an Aufruf (wedding blessing) or be married by our Clergy, please contact us at 516-239-1140 or email

Death, Mourning & Memorials


Our Clergy are always available at these difficult moments leading up to, during and following this process of human transition at the bedside to council, to officiate and console and lead the mourners in prayer at the house of Shiva.

Together, as a sacred community, Temple Israel offers care and support in the most profound aspects of life.

Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785